Sea of Thieves

How To Play Sea Of Thieves – Tips For Beginners

Ahoy, new pirates! So you are dreaming of sailing the high seas and hunting for buried treasure? Sea of Thieves game is full of thrilling twists and exciting missions where you can forge your path to glory and fortune. Before you begin your journey, you need to learn the ropes. This guide explains how to play Sea of Thieves for beginners.

Developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios in 2018, Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer action-adventure online game. The game emphasizes strategy, cooperation, and creativity, making every voyage filled with surprises.

Ready the cannons and set the cutlass as we dive into the thrilling world of Sea of Thieves.

sea of thieves map
Source Sea of Thieves

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How To Play Sea of Thieves – Tips

Here are the best tips to survive the Sea of Thieves with a pro.

Begin With Tutorial Mission:

For pirates starting, Sea of Thieves offers a tutorial mission called, Maiden Voyage. You can’t underestimate how handy this tutorial is. It is the best spot to learn how to sail your ship and become better acquainted with the world. Oh, don’t miss out on the exclusive loot to wear.

Choose Weapons Carefully:

As you begin the game, choose a flintlock pistol and a cutlass. However, some additional weapons are waiting to get into your hold. At the front of the ship on the mid-deck, you will find the weapons locker on the galleon. Here, you can switch your weapon complement or restock your ammo.

Remember, only having the right weapon will save your life and ship. You get three weapon options to carry into a battle, the blunderbuss, a pistol, and a sniper rifle. Try out all the weapons and check which one is handier and better suits the demand and situation. 

Believe In Teamwork:

We have said this before and will say this again, teamwork is what makes Sea of Thieves special. When you raise the red flag on your ship you signal other players that you want to team up. If a nearby ship raises the “Offer Alliance” flag, you can cooperate with them.

On teaming up, you can go on adventures and complete quests together. It also marks your fellow on the Sea of Thieves map, letting you voyage together and revive when needed. 

Sail On Safer Seas:

Rare developers took a couple of years before introducing this feature. Safer Seas are like a private server option for new pirates. Remember, sailing a ship is harder than you think. You’ve to adjust the angle, raise the anchor, and drop the sails.

If you have a crew, things will fall into place. In Safer Seas, you are safe from the threat of other more experienced pirates, ready to ruin your fun. Your progression will undoubtedly limited in this mood, yet you will learn the mechanics before voyaging ahead.

Know How To Use Items:

You probably don’t want to waste your progress while battling experienced pirates, right? That’s why you need to learn about the proper use of items. Just as you hit LB, you can check your various equipment and familiarize yourself with the pirate kit items.

You will find a compass for guidance, a bucket to fill up water, a shovel to dig the ground, a lantern to light up paths, a telescope, bananas for repairing and energizing yourself, and cannonballs for ship cannons. Take time to learn everything.

sea of thieves server status
Source Sea of Thieves

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Protect Your Treasure:

Your excitement level will know no bounds once you get a treasure chest. Now it is your main task to protect it at any cost. Sailing through the waves while keeping the treasure on your ship is like luring the pirates to loot your rewards.

Remember, if your ship sinks, you’ll say goodbye to your precious treasure. It would be best to head back to outposts on the Sea of Thieves map and sell your findings to Gold Hoarder’s Shopkeeper as the longer you keep the treasure on the ship, the more risk you welcome. Or,  be creative while hiding the discoveries. 

Try hiding the treasure chest behind the barrels, under the steering wheel, on the Captain’s Balcony, or the sail cross beams. 

Board Other Players’ Ships

You are living the pirate life and it’s all about looting other players and taking their treasure chests. Of course, it goes the other way as well. Spot nearby ships on the Sea of Thieves map and go after them. Use your cannons and attack them. Now, send your partner and steal away all the pirate treasure.

Remember, even after killing all opposing crew members they will be sent to the Ferry of the Damned shortly. After a short span, they will respawn and return to their ship. It would be great to return to your ship after looting the treasure before you get surrounded by the enemies.

Not All Treasure Chests Are GOOD:

It can be too thrilling to find a rare chest but you never know what is hiding inside. Ever heard about “cursed” chests? Yes, they exist in the Sea of Thieves. Cursed chests have negative effects if they are abroad on your ship.

Rage chests can set your whole ship on fire without real fire, while the sorrow chests can weep and slowly hold the water. If you find an usual chest it is better to check its name before abroading it on your ship. Or, get rid of them ASAP.

How To Play Sea Of Thieves
Source Sea of Thieves

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Lots Of Stuff Isn’t Good:

Understand the rule of thumb, the more stuff you have, the more vulnerable you are. As you progress through the Sea of Thieves, the game gets more complex. Keeping more stuff on your ship won’t help as you will lose them with time due to mishaps like attacks or storms.

Always plan a good voyage. Whenever you spot outposts nearby, drop off the excessive stuff. Keep your goods manageable and your path clear. Imagine a plunder strike and you crushing your precious booty and cursing the Rare developers. 

Don’t Skip Shipwrecks:

As you progress through the game, you will get new voyages from the outpost islands, yet they are minimal, right? How great would it be if you found a place to loot more exclusive rewards? That’s why you should not skip shipwrecks.

Circling birds will mark the shipwrecks. Dive in and explore the hidden treasure. Shipwrecks yield more and better rewards than the regular mission. However, remember, they are also the favorite spot of sharks. Also, shipwrecks attract attacks; be aware.

Kill Sea Monsters For Loot:

How can the life of a private be complete without battling sea monsters? Kraken and Megalodon are the two most iconic oceanic monsters in Sea of Thieves. The change in environment and music warns about their arrival.

When you encounter these monsters, you have two options either to fight or flee. Fight if you have enough cannonballs and muskets, though it takes effort and time. If not, flee away if the winds favor you.

It is advisable to fight Megalodon first as it’s easier for new players. Knocking out Kraken would be challenging if you are unprepared and have a small ship. Once you defeat the monster, jump overboard the bodies to loot the valuable treasure.

sea of thieves ps5
Source Sea of Thieves

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Don’t Exceed The Edge Of The Map:

The Sea of Thieves map is limited and you will know it better once you explore. If you are not attentive, you might reach the edge which will be the dead end.

If you venture into uncharted water, the sea and the sky will turn red. Your ship will take heavy damage and soon sink, forcing you to seek salvage from the sirens. 

How To Play Sea of Thieves Solo?

If you want to venture onto a solo tour, the best way to progress is by choosing Safer Seas mode. Once you skip the intro movie of the game, you will be given two modes; “Safer Seas” and “High Seas.”

Now, you will be asked to choose the type of ship. Since you are beginning a solo adventure, choose “Sloop” as it’s best for 1-2 players. Solo players need to be extra careful since they have no team support to fight off the attackers.

You will have to manage the anchor, angle, and sail length all by yourself. Since you are handling everything alone and can’t keep an eye on the Sea of Thieves map, make the gold-trimmed handle your best friend when sailing solo to avoid hits and enjoy the view. 

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Summing Up!

So, are you ready to venture into the adventure and live the pirate life? When starting, things will be complex, yet with time, you will be a pro. Navigating the vast and thrilling waters of Sea of Thieves requires strategy, skills, and a sense of adventure.

Whether you want to enjoy the camaraderie of your crew, embark on thrilling voyages, or battle the sea monsters, each adventure will offer unique experiences, challenges, and rewards. So, how to play Sea of Thieves? You surely have a story to tell now.

Become a legendary pirate in the Sea Of Thieves and live the pirate life that Captain Jack Sparrow showed us. Happy Sailing!

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Is Sea of Thieves cross platform?

Yes, the pirate life game Sea of Thieves is cross-platform cross-play compatible between Xbox, PC, and PlayStation. Players are welcome to join forces regardless of their platform.

Is Sea of Thieves PS5 free?

Players need one of the game editions whether Standard, Deluxe, or Premium from the PlayStation store to embark on the gaming adventure on PS5.

Is Sea of Thieves PC only?

Sea Of Thieves was developed by the Rare developer and published by Microsoft Studios. The game is available on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation gaming platforms.

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