Elden Ring Weapons

Elden Ring Weapons – Where To Find The Best?

We all know how massive the land of Elden Ring is. One thing that makes a difference between life and death is the right weapon. Whether you are a fledgling adventurer or a seasoned warrior, choosing the right weapon can be overwhelming to overcome the formidable foes that await. Want to explore Elden Ring weapons?

Each weapon in Elden Ring is more than just a tool for battle; it’s an extension of your character’s identity. Luckily, we have succeeded in listing more than 200 best weapons. Now, it’s the time to pick up the best Elden Ring weapons!

elden ring weapons list

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Elden Ring Weapons List

Though it was quite challenging to list up all Elden Ring weapons, we get it done just for you. The below list sums up the best weapons, their location, type, and weight. In short, you got everything here in one place. 

best elden ring weapons
S#Elden Ring WeaponsElden Ring Weapons TypeWeapons LocationSkillWeight
1MoonveilKatanaGael Tunnel (Caelid)Transient Moonlight6.5
2Rivers of BloodKatanaMountaintops of the GiantsCorpse Piler6.5
3Star-Lined SwordKatanaUse Iris of Occultation on JolanOnze’s Line of Stars5
4Sword of NightKatanaNext to larger beach CoffinWitching Hour Slash6.5
5NagakibaKatanaDropped by Yura near the Murkwater CavePiercing Fang7
6UchigatanaKatanaNext to the larger beach CoffinUnsheathe5.5
7Serpentbone BladeKatanaRewarded for completing Rya’s questlineDouble Slash6
8Hand of MaleniaKatanaDropped by Malenia, Blade of MiquellaWaterfowl Dance7
9Meteoric Ore BladeKatanaFound in a chest at Caelid Waypoint RuinsGravitas7.5
10Dragonscale BladeKatanaDropped by Dragonkin Soldier in Lake of RotIce Lightning Sword5.5
11MisericordeDaggerStormveil CastleQuickstep2
12ReduviaDaggerMurkwater CaveReduvia Blood Blade2.5
13CinquedeaDaggerFound in Dragonbarrow CaveQuickstep3.5
14Main-gaucheDaggerMain Gate PlazaParry2.5
15MisericordeDaggerFound in Stormveil CastleQuickstep2
16Scorpion’s StingerDaggerFound in the Lake of Rot, near a corpseRepeating Thrust2.5
17Bloodstained DaggerDaggerForest Ruins to the north, Mt. Gelmir by the Hermit VillageQuickstep2
18Glintstone KrisDaggerFound in a chest in Raya Lucaria AcademyGlintstone Dart1.5
19Great KnifeDaggerStarting weapon for the Bandit classQuickstep2
20Glintstone DartDaggerSide with Sorceress Sellen against JerrenBlade of Death2
21Flowerstone GavelHammersBy defeating the Bayle the Dread, the Grand Altar of Dragon CommunionFlower Dragonbolt6
22Curved ClubHammersLakes of LiurniaBarbaric Roar5
23Stone ClubHammersAcademy Crystal Cave dungeonKick7
24Morning StarHammersFound in a chest on a carriage in Weeping PeninsulaKick5
25Varre’s BouquetHammersRewarded for completing White Mask Varre’s questlineBlood Tax2
26Ringed FingerHammersFound in Gelmir Hero’s GraveClaw Flick4.5
27Envoy’s HornHammersDropped by Oracle Envoy enemies in Leyndell, Royal CapitalOracular Bubble4
28Marika’s HammerHammersDropped by Radagon of the Golden OrderGold Breaker6
29Nox Flowing HammerHammersDropped by Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest in Nokron, Eternal CityFlowing Form6.5
30Scepter of the All-KnowingHammersDropped by Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-KnowingKnowledge Above All4.5
31Sacred Relic SwordGreatswordElden BeastWave of Gold11
32Marais Executioner’s SwordGreatswordShaded CastleEochaid’s Dancing Blade11.5
33Dark Moon GreatswordGreatswordMoonlight AltarMoonlight Greatsword10
34Sword of MilosGreatswordSubterranean Shunning-GroundsShriek of Milos10
35Golden Order GreatswordGreatswordConsecrated SnowfieldEstablish Order10
36Blasphemous BladeGreatswordRemembrance of RykardTaker’s Flames13.5
37Bastard SwordGreatswordPurchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Weeping PeninsulaStamp (Upward Cut)9
38Gargoyle’s GreatswordGreatswordDropped by the Valiant Gargoyle in Siofra AqueductVacuum Slice11.5
39Inseparable SwordGreatswordRewarded for completing D’s questlineSacred Slice10
40Lizard GreatswordGreatswordBy defeating greatsword-wielding stone LMP enemiesStamp (Upward Cut)9.5
41Gargoyle’s BlackbladeGreatswordDropped by the Black Blade Kindred at the Forbidden LandsCorpse Wax Cutter11.5
42Greatsword of DamnationGreatswordFinger Reader Enia in Roundtable HoldGolden Crux8
43Greatsword of SolitudeGreatswordBy defeating Blackgaol KnightSolitary Moon Slash15.5
44ClaymoreGreatswordFound in Castle MorneLion’s Claw9
45Marais Executioner’s SwordGreatswordDropped by Elemer of the Briar in The Shaded CastleEochaid’s Dancing Blade11.5
46Rosus’ AxeAxesBlack Knife CatacombsRosus’s Summons5.5
47Forked-Tongue HatchetAxesDropped by the Scarlet Rot enemies in CaelidDragonform Flame4
48Messmer Soldier’s AxeAxesCastle Ensis in the Gravesite PlainWar City5.5
49Hand AxeAxesFound in the northern part of LimgraveQuickstep3.5
50Battle AxeAxesFound in Stormveil CastleWild Strikes4.5
51Stormhawk AxeAxesDropped by Stormhawk enemies in LimgraveThunderstorm5.5
52Icerind HatchetAxesFound in Temple QuarterHoarfrost Stomp3
53Ripple BladeAxesFar North of LiurniaWild Strikes4.5
54Highland AxeAxesDropped by Highland enemies in the Altus PlateauWar City4.5
55Forked HatchetAxesFound in the Caelid areaQuickstep2.5
56Bolt of GransaxSpearsLeyndell, Royal CapitalAncient Lightning Spear8.5
57Short SpearSpearsFound in Limgrave, near the starting areaImpaling Thrust4
58PartisanSpearsFound in the Mistwood in East LiurniaImpaling Thrust6.5
59Iron SpearSpearsFound in the eastern part of Stormveil CastleCharge Forth4.5
60Bloodfiend’s ForkSpearsDropped by Bloodfiends in the Forbidden LandsBarbaric Roar4.5
61PikeSpearsFound in the northern part of LiurniaCharge Forth7.5
62Rotten Crystal SpearSpearsFound in a chest in CaelidCharge Forth5.5
63Crystal SpearSpearsFound in a chest in Raya Lucaria AcademyImpaling Thrust5,5
64Death Ritual SpearSpearsDropped by Death Rite Bird in the Consecrated SnowfieldSpearcall Ritual6.5
65Celebrant’s Rib-RakeSpearsFound in the Temple Quarter areaBarbaric Roar5
66Banished Knight’s HalberdHalberdCastle Mourne (Weeping Peninsula)Charge Forth8
67Golden HalberdHalberdLimgraveGolden Vow13.5
68Spirit GlaiveHalberdNorthwest of the Gravebird-filled lakeRancor Slash6.5
69GlaiveHalberdFound in the Forbidden LandsSpinning Slash8
70Poleblade of the BudHalberdFound in the Mt. Gelmir areaRomina’s Purification10
71Vulgar Militia SawHalberdFound in the vicinity of the Vulgar Militia in CaelidSpinning Slash8
72Loretta’s War SickleHalberdDropped by Loretta, Knight of the HaligtreeLoretta’s Slash10
73Commander’s StandardHalberdDropped by Commander Niall in Castle SolRallying Standard11.5
74Dragon HalberdHalberdFound in a chest in the Caelid areaSpinning Slash10.5
75LucerneHalberdFound in the southern part of LiurniaCharge Forth7
76Winged ScytheReapersFound in the Tombsward RuinsAngel’s Wings7.5
77ScytheReapersFound in the Caelid area, near the Smoldering WallSpinning Slash7.5
78Obsidian LaminaReapersSir Ansbach’s questlineDynastic Sickleplay6.5
79Halo ScytheReapersDropped by the Bell Bearing Hunter in CaelidMiquella’s Ring of Light8.5
80Grave ScytheReapersFound in the Catacombs in LiurniaSpinning Slash9.5
81Giant’s Red BraidWhipsFound in the Forbidden LandsFlame Dance2.5
82Hoslow’s Petal WhipWhipsDropped by Hoslow in the Consecrated SnowfieldKick3.5
83Tooth WhipWhipsFound in the Mt. Gelmir areaPainful Strike3
84Thorned WhipWhipsFound in the Weeping PeninsulaKick3
85Magma Whip CandlestickWhipsFound in the Mountaintops of the GiantsSea of Magma2.5
86WhipWhipsFound in the southern part of the Liurnia regionKick2
87UrumiWhipsCaria ManorKick3
88Bloodhound ClawsClawsVolcano ManorBloodhound’s Step3
89HookclawsClawsDropped by enemies in the Altus Plateau areaQuickstep2
90Claws of NightClawsFinger Ruins of MiyrScattershot Throw3
91Raptor TalonsClawsFound in the southern part of LimgraveQuickstep1.5
92Venomous FangClawsDropped by poisonous enemies in CaelidQuickstep2.5
93Harp BowLight BowsAltus PlateauSomber Smithing Stones2
94Red Branch ShortbowLight BowsFound in the Redmane Castle areaSmithing Stones2.5
95ShortbowLight BowsFound in the starting area of LimgraveBarrage3
96Misbegotten ShortbowLight BowsDropped by Misbegotten enemies in CaelidBarrage3
97Composite BowLight BowsFound in the southern part of LiurniaMighty Shot3
98Bone BowLight BowsFound in the Weeping PeninsulaRanchor Shot3
99Carian Sorcery SwordThrusting SwordsCastle EnsisImpaling Thrust2.5
100EstocThrusting SwordsFound in the Raya Lucaria AcademyImpaling Thrust4.5
101Cleanrot Knight’s SwordThrusting SwordsDropped by Cleanrot Knights in CaelidImpaling Thrust4
102Antspur RapierThrusting SwordsFound in the Consecrated SnowfieldImpaling Thrust3
103RapierThrusting SwordsFound in the starting area of LimgraveImpaling Thrust2.5
104Noble’s EstocThrusting SwordsDropped by Noble enemies in LiurniaImpaling Thrust3.5
105Rogier’s RapierThrusting SwordsA reward for completing Rogier’s questlineRepeating Rapier3.5
106Frozen NeedleThrusting SwordsFound in the Mountaintops of the GiantsImpaling Thrust2.5
107Fire Knight’s GreatswordColossal SwordsDropped by Fire Knight enemies in the MountaintopsStamp (Upward Cut)16
108Greatsword of Radahn (Lord)Colossal SwordsDropped by Starscourge Radahn in CaelidPromised Consort19
109Greatsword of Radahn (Light)Colossal SwordsShadow of the Erdtree DLCLightspeed Slash20
110GreatswordColossal SwordsThe southern part of Stormveil CastleStamp (Upward Cut)23
111Troll’s Golden SwordColossal SwordsDropped by Trolls in the Forbidden LandsTroll’s Roar19
112Royal GreatswordColossal SwordsRoyal Capital areaWolf’s Assault20
113Ruins GreatswordColossal SwordsDropped by enemies in the ruins of CaelidWave of Destruction23
114Godslayer’s GreatswordColossal SwordsDivine Tower of CaelidThe Queen’s Black Flame17.5
115Ancient Meteoric Ore GreatswordColossal SwordsForbidden LandsWhite Light Charge22
116Moonrithyll’s Knight SwordColossal SwordsCastle Ensis legacy dungeonTremendous Phalanx18
117ZweihanderColossal SwordsPurchased from the Isolated Merchant in LimgraveStamp (Upward Cut)15.5
118Watchdog’s GreatswordColossal SwordsDropped by Watchdog enemies in the CapitalStamp (Upward Cut)22
119Troll Knight’s SwordColossal SwordsShaded Castle areaTroll’s Roar18
120Grafted Blade GreatswordColossal SwordsDropped by the Grafted Scion in Castle MourneOath of Vengeance21
121Starscourge GreatswordColossal SwordsDropped by Starscourge Radahn in CaelidStarcaller Cry20
122Maliketh’s Black BladeColossal SwordsDropped by Maliketh, the Black BladeDestined Death22
123Serpent FlailFlailsDropped by Serpent enemies in CaelidFlare, O Serpent6
124Nightrider FlailFlailsMt. Gelmir areaSpinning Chain6
125Family HeadsFlailsSage’s Cave DungeonFamilial Rancor5.5
126FlailFlailsStarting area of LimgraveSpinning Chain5
127Chainlink FlailFlailsThe southern part of CaelidSpinning Chain8
128Bastard’s StarsFlailsLake of Rot, Bottom of NokstellaNebula5.5
129Velvet Sword of St TrinaStraight SwordsDropped by enemies in the Consecrated SnowfieldMists of Eternal Sleep2.5
130Sword of LightStraight SwordsAncient Ruins of RauhLight4
131Short SwordStraight SwordsThe southern part of LimgraveKick3
132BroadswordStraight SwordsStarting area of LimgraveSquare off4
133Lordsworn’s Straight SwordStraight SwordsThe southern part of LimgraveSquare off3.5
134Cane SwordStraight SwordsLiurnia of the LakesSquare off2.5
135Lazuli Glintstone SwordStraight SwordsRaya Lucaria AcademyGlintstone Pebble3.5
136Crystal SwordStraight SwordsA chest in the AcademySpinning Slash4.5
137Miquellan Knight’s SwordStraight SwordsDropped by Miquella’s KnightsSacred Blade3.5
138Golden EpitaphStraight SwordsFound in the Capital OutskirtsLast Rites3.5
139Regalia of EochaidStraight SwordsDropped by Eochaid in the Forbidden LandsEochaid’s Dancing Blade5.5
140Sword of Night and FlameStraight SwordsFound in Caria ManorNight-and-Flame Stance4
141Stone-Sheathed SwordStraight SwordsFog Rift Catacombs dungeonSquare off5
142Sword of DarknessStraight SwordsIn the darkness of the Ruins of UnteDarkness4
143LongswordStraight SwordsThe southern part of Stormveil CastleSquare off3.5
144Weathered Straight SwordStraight SwordsStormvale CastleSquare off3
145Noble’s Slender SwordStraight SwordsDropped by Noble enemies in LiurniaSquare off3.5
146Warhawk’s TalonStraight SwordsMountaintops of the GiantsSpinning Slash3
147Rotten Crystal SwordStraight SwordsCaelid regionSpinning Slash4.5
148Ornamental Straight SwordStraight SwordsAltus Plateau areaGolden Tempering3
149Sword of St TrinaStraight SwordsForsaken RuinsMists of Slumber3
150Carian Knight’s SwordStraight SwordsLiurnia of the LakesCarian Grandeur4
151Coded SwordStraight SwordsLeyndell, Royal CapitalUnblockable Blade2.5
152Putrescence CleaverGreataxesCaelid regionSpinning Guillotine13.5
153Bonny Butchering KnifeGreataxesBonny VillageHone Blade11
154Crescent Moon AxeGreataxesMt. Gelmir areaWar Cry12.5
155Executioner’s GreataxeGreataxesDropped by Executioner enemies in Stormveil CastleWar Cry15
156Rusted AnchorGreataxesThe northern part of CaelidBarbaric Roar12.5
157Gargoyle’s Great AxeGreataxesDropped by Gargoyles in the Forbidden LandsWar Cry8.5
158Winged GreathornGreataxesThe southern part of LimgraveSoul Stifler11
159Death Knight’s Longhaft AxeGreataxesDropped by Death Knights in the Consecrated SnowfieldBlinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe11.5
160GreataxeGreataxesWeeping PeninsulaBarbaric Roar13
161Longhaft AxeGreataxesScorpion RiverWar Cry12.5
162Great Omenkiller CleaverGreataxesForbidden LandsWild Strike11
163Butchering KnifeGreataxesBonny VillageBarbaric Roar8.5
164Gargoyle’s Black AxeGreataxesShaded Castle areaWar Cry8.5
165Axe of GodrickGreataxesDropped by Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil CastleI Command Thee, Kneel!11
166Black Steel TwinbladeTwinbladesForbidden LandsSpinning Slash8
167TwinbladeTwinbladesStarting area of LimgraveSpinning Slash7
168Godskin PeelerTwinbladesDropped by Godskin Noble in CaelidBlack Flame Tornado8
169Gargoyle’s Black BladesTwinbladesDropped by Gargoyles in the Shaded CastleSpinning Slash8.5
170EuporiaTwinbladesBelurat, Tower SettlementEuporia Vortex8.5
171Twinned Knight SwordsTwinbladesDropped by Twinned Knights in the Consecrated SnowfieldSpinning Slash8
172Gargoyle’s TwinbladeTwinbladesSouthern part of the Forbidden LandsSpinning Slash8.5
173Eleonora’s PolebladeTwinbladesDropped by Eleonora in the Mt. Gelmir areaBloodblade Dance6
174Nanaya’s TorchTorchesForbidden LandsFeeble Lord’s Frenzied Flame3.5
175TorchTorchesStarting area of LimgraveTorch Attack1.5
176Steel-Wire TorchTorchesDropped by enemies in the Altus PlateauFirebreather2.5
177Ghostflame TorchTorchesGhostflame area in the Mt. GelmirTorch Attack2.5
178Lamenting VisageTorchesLiurnia of the LakesBlindfold of Happiness2
179Beast-Repellent TorchTorchesCaelid areaTorch Attack2.5
180Sentry’s TorchTorchesDropped by Sentries in the Consecrated SnowfieldTorch Attack5
181St Trina’s TorchTorchesConsecrated SnowfieldFires of Slumber3
182Firespark Perfume BottlePerfume BottlesSouth of the Castle Front Site of GraceKick1
183Frenzyflame Perfume BottlePerfume BottlesForbidden LandsKick1
184Deadly Poison Perfume BottlePerfume BottlesCaelid regionDeadly Poison Spray1
185Chilling Perfume BottlePerfume BottlesConsecrated SnowfieldKick1
186Lightning Perfume BottlePerfume BottlesAltus PlateauKick1
187Smithscript DaggerThrowing BladesRuined Forge Lava Intake dungeonPiercing Throw1.5
188Carian Thrusting ShieldThrusting ShieldsLiurnia of the LakesShield Strike10.5
189Dueling ShieldThrusting ShieldsThe southern part of LimgraveShield Strike9
190Beast Claw (Weapon)Beast ClawsDropped by Beastmen in the Mt. Gelmir areaSavage Claws3
191Red Bear’s ClawBeast ClawsCaelid regionRed Bear Hunt4
192Hand BallistaBallistaeForbidden LandsKick10
193Rabbath’s CannonBallistaeDropped by Rabbath in the Consecrated SnowfieldKick15
194Jar CannonBallistaeMt. Gelmir areaKick15
195Bloodfiend’s ArmColossal WeaponsAltus PlateauEndure20
196Devonia’s HammerColossal WeaponsDropped by Devonia in the Forbidden LandsDevonia’s Vortex20
197Gazing FingerColossal WeaponsKowtower’s Resentment15
198Rotten GreataxeColossal WeaponsCaelid regionEndure20
199Giant-CrusherColossal WeaponsThe northern part of CaelidEndure26.5
200Great ClubColossal WeaponsStarting area of LimgraveGolden Land17
201Dragon GreatclawColossal WeaponsForbidden LandsEndure16
202Staff of the AvatarColossal WeaponsLiurnia of the LakesErdtree Slam20
203Envoy’s GreathornColossal WeaponsDropped by Envoys in the Consecrated SnowfieldGreat Oracular Bubble19.5
204Fallingstar Beast JawColossal WeaponsDropped by Fallingstar BeastGravity Bolt21.5
205Anvil HammerColossal WeaponsRuined Forge Lava Intake dungeonSmithing Art Spears22
206Shadow Sunflower BlossomColossal WeaponsConsecrated SnowfieldShadow Sunflower Headbutt16
207Duelist GreataxeColossal WeaponsDropped by Duelists in the Forbidden LandsEndure20
208Golem’s HalberdColossal WeaponsAltus PlateauCharge Forth21.5
209Prelate’s Inferno CrozierColossal WeaponsThe southern part of CaelidPrelate’s Charge23.5
210Troll’s HammerColossal WeaponsDropped by Trolls in the Forbidden LandsTroll’s Roar16
211Watchdog’s StaffColossal WeaponsRoyal CapitalSorcery of the Crozier19
212Rotten StaffColossal WeaponsThe northern part of LiurniaErdtree Slam18
213Ghiza’s WheelColossal WeaponsShaded Castle areaSpinning Wheel19
214Axe of GodfreyColossal WeaponsDropped by Godfrey in the Forbidden LandsRegal Roar18
215Sword LanceHeavy Thrusting SwordsAltus PlateauImpaling Thrust9
216Great EpeeHeavy Thrusting SwordsLiurnia of the LakesImpaling Thrust6.5
217Bloody HeliceHeavy Thrusting SwordsDropped by Bloody Helice in the Mt. GelmirDynast’s Finesse8
218Queelign’s GreatswordHeavy Thrusting SwordsSouthern part of the Forbidden LandsImpaling Thrust7.5
219Godskin StitcherHeavy Thrusting SwordsThe southern part of CaelidImpaling Thrust7
220Dragon King’s CragbladeHeavy Thrusting SwordsForbidden LandsThundercloud Form8
221Spirit SwordCurved SwordsLake of RotRancor Slash2.5
222Dancing Blade of RanahCurved SwordsMoonlight AltarUnending Dance3.5
223ScimitarCurved SwordsPurchased from Twin Maiden HusksSpinning Slash3
224ShamshirCurved SwordsDeathtouched CatacombsSpinning Slash3.5
225Bandit’s Curved SwordCurved SwordsDropped by Bandits in LimgraveSpinning Slash5
226Scavenger’s Curved SwordCurved SwordsMt. GelmirSpinning Slash3.5
227Beastman’s Curved SwordCurved SwordsDropped by Beastmen in Crumbling Farum AzulaSpinning Slash4
228Serpent-God’s Curved SwordCurved SwordsVolcano ManorSpinning Slash4
229Nox Flowing SwordCurved SwordsDropped by Nox SwordstressFlowing Form3.5
230Eclipse ShotelCurved SwordsCastle SolDeath Flare3
231FalxCurved SwordsDropped by Albinauric Archers in Consecrated SnowfieldRevenger’s Blade4
232Horned Warrior’s SwordCurved SwordsDropped by Horned Warriors in Siofra RiverHorn Calling5
233FalchionCurved SwordsDropped by Skeletons in CaelidSpinning Slash3.5
234GrossmesserCurved SwordsCaelid CatacombsSpinning Slash4.5
235ShotelCurved SwordsPurchased from Patches in Murkwater CaveSpinning Slash2
236Mantis BladeCurved SwordsDropped by Cemetery Shade in the Tombsward CaveSpinning Slash4
237Flowing Curved SwordCurved SwordsDropped by the Godskin Apostle in the Windmill VillageSpinning Slash3.5
238Magma BladeCurved SwordsDropped by the Godskin Apostle in the Windmill VillageMagma Shower4
239Wing of AstelCurved SwordsUhl Palace RuinsNebula2.5
240Horned Warrior’s GreatswordCurved GreatswordsDropped by Horned Warriors in Siofra RiverHorn Calling: Storm13
241DismounterCurved GreatswordsDropped by Mounted Knights in LimgraveSpinning Slash10
242Monk’s FlamebladeCurved GreatswordsDropped by Fire Monks in Mountaintops of the GiantsSpinning Slash9
243Bloodhound’s FangCurved GreatswordsForlorn Hound Evergaol (Limgrave)Bloodhound’s Finesse11.5
244Zamor Curved SwordCurved GreatswordsDropped by Ancient Hero of Zamor in the Mountaintops of the GiantsZamor Ice Storm9
245Morgott’s Cursed SwordCurved GreatswordsDropped by Morgott, the Omen King in Leyndell, Royal CapitalCursed-Blood Slice7.5
246Freyja’s GreatswordCurved GreatswordsConsecrated SnowfieldSpinning Slash14
247Omen CleaverCurved GreatswordsDropped by Omen enemies in LeyndellSpinning Slash11.5
248Beastman’s CleaverCurved GreatswordsDropped by Beastmen in Crumbling Farum AzulaSpinning Slash16.5
249Onyx Lord’s GreatswordCurved GreatswordsDropped by Onyx Lords in the Weeping PeninsulaOnyx Lord’s Repulsion11.5
250Magma Wyrm’s ScaleswordCurved GreatswordsGael Tunnel (Caelid)Magma Guillotine15
251Bloodfiend’s Sacred SpearGreat SpearsDropped by the Bloodfiend in Mohgwyn PalaceBloodfiends’ Bloodboon8
252Spear of the ImpalerGreat SpearsShaded CastleMessmer’s Assault9.5
253LanceGreat SpearsDropped by Knights in LimgraveCharge Forth9
254Serpent-HunterGreat SpearsVolcano ManorGreat-Serpent Hunt12
255Vyke’s War SpearGreat SpearsDropped by Festering Fingerprint VykeFrenzyflame Thrust8
256Messmer Soldier’s SpearGreat SpearsDropped by Messmer Soldiers in the Consecrated SnowfieldImpaling Thrust8.5
257Barbed Staff-SpearGreat SpearsWeeping PeninsulaJori’s Inquisition7.5
258TreespearGreat SpearsGatefront Ruins (Limgrave)Sacred Order9.5
259Siluria’s TreeGreat SpearsDropped by Siluria in Deeproot DepthsSiluria’s Woe10
260Mohgwyn’s Sacred SpearGreat SpearsDropped by Mohg, Lord of Blood in Mohgwyn PalaceBloodboon Ritual10
261PataFistsDropped by a Duelist in Stormveil CastleImpaling Thrust4
262Thiollier’s Hidden NeedleFistsLiurnia of the LakesSleep Evermore0.5
263Madding HandFistsDropped by Fingercreeper enemies in Caria ManorMadding Spear-Hand Strike1
264Spiked CaestusFistsStormveil CastleEndure2
265Iron BallFistsDropped by Ogres in the Consecrated SnowfieldEndure with Braggart’s Roar equipped2.5
266Clinging BoneFistsDropped by Ensha in Roundtable HoldLifesteal Fist3
267Cipher PataFistsRoundtable HoldUnblockable Blade0
268Golem FistFistsDropped by Golems in the Weeping PeninsulaEndure5
269Poisoned HandFistsDropped by Poison Misbegotten in CaelidPoison Spear-Hand Strike1
270CaestusFistsPurchased from the Merchant in LimgraveEndure1.5
271KatarFistsAltus PlateauImpaling Thrust2.5
272Star FistFistsLeyndell, Royal CapitalEndure3
273Veteran’s ProsthesisFistsDropped by Commander Niall in Castle SolStorm Kick4
274Grafted DragonFistsDropped by Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil CastleBear Witness!2.5
275Dane’s FootworkHand-to-Hand ArtsDropped by Dane the Unyielding in the Mountaintops of the GiantsPalm Blast1
276Dryleaf ArtsHand-to-Hand ArtsConsecrated SnowfieldPalm Blast1
277Smithscript CirqueBackhand BladesRuins of Farum AzulaBlind Spot2
278Backhand BladeBackhand BladesDropped by Black Knife Assassins in Leyndell, Royal CapitalBlind Spot2
279Curseblade’s CirqueBackhand BladesDropped by Cursebearer in CaelidDeadly Dance4.5
Detailed Weapons List

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all elden ring weapons


Elden Ring weapons locations are now revealed! Explore the lands and get your hands on the best weapons. Each weapon is a masterpiece itself. Explore all options and equip yourself with the best weapons to showcase what you have!

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How to upgrade weapons in Elden Ring?  

You can upgrade weapons by utilizing Smithing Stones at the Site of Grace’s blacksmith, such as Smithing Master Iji. However, upgraded material may vary depending on the weapon type.

Where to upgrade weapons in Elden Ring?  

Upgrade weapons at any blacksmith, including the blacksmiths in Roundtable Hold or the various NPC blacksmiths scattered throughout the game.

How to level up weapons in Elden Ring?  

Level up weapons by enhancing them with Smithing Stones at blacksmiths. Each upgrade improves weapon stats and scaling.

How to duplicate weapons in Elden Ring?

Weapons duplication isn’t officially supported in Elden Ring. Look for alternative methods like mods or community tools for duplicating items.

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